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Technicians & Employees | A-keys | Slotenmaker Den Haag

Below we introduce our technicians and other employees. A-keys | SDH is unique in the locksmithing branch in that we offer the public this information to help them identify our technicians and contact them directly. We want our clients to feel confident and safe when we send a technician in the middle of the night. We sometimes employ third parties but rest assured that we will never send you anyone who we don't trust 100% and with whom we have had no prior experience.

At this moment there are numerous fraudulent websites offering locksmithin and dooropening services for ridiculousloy low prices. Be aware that many of these websites are merely agents who cash in on public demand and overcharge them: our advice is: make sure you know who you are dealing with and ask for a quote before you make an appointment!

Aad Bakker, founder of Special Repair Services (our predecessor) technical expert locksmith and professional in all mechanical construction. With over 50 years of experience Aad runs our workshop in the center of The Hague and takes care of all in house repairs.

Chakib Garti, all round technician on call out 24/7. Founder of PlusOnderhoud. Member of our team at Slotenmaker Den Haag since 2015. Specialist in repairs after burglary.

Daniel Waterman, founder of A-keys | Slotenmaker Den Haag SDH, responsible for customer service, administration, publicity and websites, social media officer etc.

A-keys | Slotenmaker Den Haag has an excellent record and reputation for services in and around the Hague. We are especially renowned as epxerts in "mechanical security". Mechanical security is all about preventing burglary and securing homes and business premises through clever design and implementation of mechanical elements; high quality locks (often custom built) high quality cylinders and other building elements that prevent of delay access by unwelcome visitors. Alongside our excellent reputation for all kinds of locksmith services, our workshop in the Center of Tha Hague is a hotbed of activity, providing safe opening, key duplication, repairs to locks and cylinders and restauration of antique fittings. A-keys | Locksmith The Hague provides valuable support for the maintenance of protected buildings, monuments, churches and so on. Our services are increasingly in demand at home and abroad where we have won International acclaim for some of our products.

A-keys | Slotenmaker Den Haag SDH comprises collaboration between experts from several different disciplines who bring their expertise to bear on a wide variety of problems in the area of home and business security. We provide expert locksmith services for private home owners and big companies like AirBnb, estate agents and so on. Our customers know what to expect: quality, efficiency and integrity. We don't mess around with prices and overcharge customers. As a local small scale business we have a reputation to uphold. That is why we prefer crystal clear communication and pledge to be our word! We are only satisfied when you are!

Our terms and conditions were developed by our predecessor: Special Repair Services (SRS). Under the management of Mr. A. Bakker SRS served the Hague area for over 30 years. SRS innovated and expanded to become one of the most prominent locksmith services in The Hague.
Collaboration between the partners in our company is a result of this expansion. It emphasises expanding demand for a wider set of skills to deal with increasing diversity in real estate construction. Our collaboration allows us to compete in a market where the demand for professional experitse has increased significantly with new development, both in technology and in the social landscape of the Netherlands.

  • A-keys | Slotenmaker Den Haag SDH offers round the clock, 24/7 call out service for locks, cylinders, keys, safes and so on.

  • Special Repair Services SRS repairs and services safes. Also design and manufacture of all kinds of custom built security installations and access control.

  • Antieke is responsible for repair, maintenance and replacement of antique building elements, including locks, gates and so on.

  • ⁺PlusOnderhoud provides services such as emergency repairs after burglary, including carpentry and painting.


Our technicians get around The Hague of scooter so they can respond to emergency call-outs very quickly. No matter what time of day, what wheather, what traffic conditions and where you are in The Hague, our locksmith services are available to you!

In short, this is what you may expect:


In case of break in or burglary, or if you are concerned about your security, negotiating a contract with an insurance company etc. we can draw up a professional report for you. This report complies with the terms of the SKG & Politiekeurmerk Veilig Wonen (PKVW) certification. And we can work with you to provide cheaper and more effective solutions to your security!



*A-keys | Slotenmaker Den Haag will only charge for call-outs in the following instances; a) in case of cancellation (you must cancel at least 30 minutes before an appointment), b) if a visit is necessary to assess a situation or draw up a quote, c) if a technician has to make extra visits to bring materials to our workshop for repair or aquire extra materials that we do not stock. Our technicians will always do their best to avoid or limit damage (e.g. to locks, cylinders and doors). Unfortunately it is not possible to guarantee zero damage with 100% certainty. Where possible, our technicians will seek to limit damage to material goods and to avoid extra expenses for clients. When a technician can foresee the possibility of damage, for example in the event a cylinder needs to be drilled, he will inform the customer and leave the decision to them. If a customer cancels or calls off an order, e.g. in the event that a dooropening might incur extra unforeseen expenses, the technician has the right to charge call-out fees. Technicians will always inform the customer if call-out fees will be charged. As far as possible, technicians will inform customers of any other possible expenses. For more information we refer to our Terms & Conditions. The prices on this website are estimates based on the approximate price of goods and services and do not confer any rights as prices may vary according to situation!


**A-keys | Slotenmaker Den Haag provides only SKG-Ikob certified materials and goods. In exceptional cases we will replace uncertified materials for similar or same materials or manufacture our own materials according to our own very strict criteria. Because the SKG-Ikob certificate does not guarantee security but does cost significantly more, we sometimes recommend non-certified materials and goods where we find safety and security are not compromised.

0652333817 | ⚒  0703450273 (werkplaats)



© 2018 A-keys | Slotenmaker Den Haag | post: Loosduinseweg 721, 2571AM Den Haag | iban: NL30TRIO0254723632 | kvk: 27255707 | btw: NL001673989B18

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