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Expertise and technical skill in the Center of Den Haag


In our workshop in the center of The Hague we work round the clock maintaining our city's most valuable antique locks and fittings for contractors like Monumentenzorg and Stichting Behoud Waardevol Erfgoed. Aside from that we provide services for all major museums and art dealers.

  • We repair and restore antique locks, cylinders, doors, gates and keys ✔

  • We duplicate old and antique keys and copy keys for safes ✔

  • We repair and service fittings for doors like letterboxes and brass knobs ✔

  • Restauration of archeological findings from shipwrecks ✔

  • Restauration and manufacture of copies of antique fittings ✔

  • Repair of all types of antique and old mechanical objects and parts ✔

  • Restauration of historical buildings including churches ✔

  • Casting, welding, forging of all metals and alloys ✔

  • Expertise and metallurgical skills for recreation of historica and archeological finds ✔

  • Repair of safes and strongboxes after forced entry ✔



*A-keys | Slotenmaker Den Haag will only charge for call-outs in the following instances; a) in case of cancellation (you must cancel at least 30 minutes before an appointment), b) if a visit is necessary to assess a situation or draw up a quote, c) if a technician has to make extra visits to bring materials to our workshop for repair or aquire extra materials that we do not stock. Our technicians will always do their best to avoid or limit damage (e.g. to locks, cylinders and doors). Unfortunately it is not possible to guarantee zero damage with 100% certainty. Where possible, our technicians will seek to limit damage to material goods and to avoid extra expenses for clients. When a technician can foresee the possibility of damage, for example in the event a cylinder needs to be drilled, he will inform the customer and leave the decision to them. If a customer cancels or calls off an order, e.g. in the event that a dooropening might incur extra unforeseen expenses, the technician has the right to charge call-out fees. Technicians will always inform the customer if call-out fees will be charged. As far as possible, technicians will inform customers of any other possible expenses. For more information we refer to our Terms & Conditions. The prices on this website are estimates based on the approximate price of goods and services and do not confer any rights as prices may vary according to situation!


**A-keys | Slotenmaker Den Haag provides only SKG-Ikob certified materials and goods. In exceptional cases we will replace uncertified materials for similar or same materials or manufacture our own materials according to our own very strict criteria. Because the SKG-Ikob certificate does not guarantee security but does cost significantly more, we sometimes recommend non-certified materials and goods where we find safety and security are not compromised.

☎ 070-2603817 | âš’  070 - 3638552 (werkplaats)



© 2018 A-keys | Slotenmaker Den Haag | kantoor: Verheeskade 197, 2521DD Den Haag | iban: NL30TRIO0254723632 | kvk: 65587537 | btw: NL001673989B18

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